Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry
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Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (AgPDES)

Discharge Permitted CAFO Facilities

Permit NumberCompany NameFacility NameCounty
OKG010236Lynch LivestockRanchers & Farmers Stockyard of GuymonTexas
OKG010231Robert A. Funk - Express RanchesExpress RanchesCanadian
OKG0100783 M&H Land and Cattle LLC3 M&H Land and Cattle LLCEllis
OKG010022Frank Berry and Sons, IncFrank Berry & Sons, Inc.Texas
OKG010058Mahard Egg Farm, Inc.Mahard Egg Farm - Boogie HillGarvin and Murray
OKG010410Lost Trail Dairy LLCLost Trail Dairy IICimarron